SCi olive

Empresa de ingeniería con más de 20 años de experiencia asesorando a empresas en gestión agronómica y desarrollo de proyectos de I+D


Av. San Fco. Javier 24, planta 8 mod. 11
+34 954659324
Av. San Fco. Javier 24. Planta 8 / Módulo 11
Monday to Friday - 08:00 a 15:00h.
Closed saturdays

Work lines / SCI Olive

Olive Grove Management

SCI Olive offers comprehensive, efficient, and sustainable olive grove management, supported by our technical team of experts in olive cultivation, whether for table olive or oil production.

Instead of following conventional advice that involves on-site visits to suggest irrigation and treatment guidelines, SCI Olive goes further. We have a powerful management tool developed internally by our technical team. This tool allows precise control of plantation requirements and facilitates to make a strategic decision. Additionally, it enables the integration of key information, such as data from other farmers, weather information, field notes, among other relevant aspects.

Projects funded with public funds:

NEOLIVAR: Proyecto H2020, dentro del programa DIVA, liderado por SCi olive.

Obtaining and valorization of olive extracts.

In 2017, we initiated a new line of work and research at SCI Olive. Delving into the knowledge of the olive tree, we identified underutilized beneficial properties that have significant potential.

One of the properties that particularly attracted us for research was the anti-inflammatory effect attributed to one of the polyphenols present in olives, known as OLEOCANTAL. This polyphenol, nicknamed “the ibuprofen of the olive tree”, has not been fully appreciated due to the difficulty of obtaining it in sufficient concentrations for its effects to be discernible. This challenge prompted us to launch a research project that culminated in the granting of a national patent in 2022 (ES2852380) to obtain an OLEOCANTAL concentrate.

In the field of genetic improvement, we are researching which varieties have higher levels of OLEOCANTAL. We have incorporated some of these varieties as parents in our crosses. This approach allows us to start with varieties with a higher oleocantal content, thus facilitating the obtaining of concentrations that enable its extraction and commercialization.

In addition to OLEOCANTAL, we are exploring the recovery and valorization of other polyphenols. We carefully analyze these options to initiate new research projects and maximize the potential of these compounds.

Projects funded with public funds:

NEOCANTAL H2020 Project, within the SME Instrument Phase 1 program.

Olive Genetic Improvement

In 2013, SCI initiated an internal olive genetic improvement program in collaboration with the University of Córdoba. A crossbreeding program was carried out with the aim of developing new varieties for both table olive and oil production, with a special emphasis on the search for the following characteristics:

Table Olive

Verticillium resistance: Verticillosis caused by the fungus Verticillium Dahliae, leads to the dryness and death of the olive tree. Since there is no curative treatment for this disease, it is crucial to develop olive varieties that are resistant or tolerant to this pathogen.

Resistance to “molestation. The term “molestation” refers to damage caused to the olive by impacts. This damage results in spots that soften the fruit, being more severe in some varieties than others. This effect limits mechanized harvesting, especially when the olives are intended for green consumption, as this damage is more noticeable at that time, causing significant depreciation. Given the increasing scarcity of manual labor and the associated costs of manual harvesting, it is necessary to obtain olives that allow mechanical harvesting without suffering excessive damage.

Adaptation to superintensive cultivation The tree’s structure and vigor must be suitable for cultivation with a high planting density. This will accelerate the productivity of the orchard and facilitate a more efficient return on investment.

Olive Oil

Verticillium resistance. Verticillosis caused by the fungus Verticillium Dahliae, leads to the dryness and death of the olive tree. Since there is no curative treatment for this disease, it is crucial to develop olive varieties that are resistant or tolerant to this pathogen.

Early Maturation. Obtaining early maturation varieties offers significant advantages. Firstly, by spending less time on the tree, the fruit has more time to recover after harvesting and regrow for the following year. This reduces alternate bearing, a phenomenon where, after a abundant production one year, the next season barely yields olives. The second advantage lies in the fact that, generally, the best prices for oil are achieved at the beginning of the campaign. Being the first to produce our oil allows us to sell it at more favorable prices. Other advantages, although less significant, include cost savings in production, such as reduced irrigation and prevention of risks associated with early frosts.

High Polyphenol Content. With the growing recognition of the health benefits of nutrition, the polyphenol content in olive oil is increasingly valued. Therefore, one of our selection criteria for oil varieties focuses on obtaining oils with a high polyphenol content. This not only makes them particularly beneficial for health but also positions them as products better valued from an organoleptic point of view.

Genetic Improvement Projects for Olive Trees with Public Funding:

GEN4OLIVE. This project, supported by the H2020 program, aims to advance the characterization of olive varieties found in the world’s primary germplasm banks, including the study of wild olives. Additionally, it seeks to develop innovative tools that accelerate the process of evaluating and selecting olive varieties. GEN4OLIVE represents a commitment to expanding knowledge and efficiency in olive tree genetic management.

ORIGEN. We actively participate in this collaborative research project led by Aceitunas Guadalquivir. The initiative aims to obtain new varieties of table olives and is carried out between 2020 and 2023.

Through our contribution to ORIGEN, we aim to promote diversification and improvement of options available in the table olive market.